Fact 1: Cervical cancer is the 2nd most common cancer affecting Malaysian women which accounted for 12.9% of all female cancer in 2002, after breast cancer.
Fact 2 : Cervical cancer is cause by common virus known as Human Papillomavirus (HPV),
Fact 3 : Each year, about 500, 000 women worldwide are diagnosed with cervical cancer and more than 270,000 die from it.
Fact 4 : Regardless of age, all females risk exposure to HPV virus as it can spread via skin contact and sexual intercourse, their age or lifestyle.
Fact 5 : Early sexual experience increases risk of cervical cancer.
Fact 6 : Sexually transmitted infections like Chlamydia, Herpes may cause cervical cancer.
Fact 7 : Usage of contraceptives is a factor of cervical cancer.
Fact 8 : Women who smokes 2 times more at risk than non-smokers.
Fact 9 : High number of pragnancies increases risk
fact 10: Regular Pap smear test decrease a women's chance of developing cervical cancer by 5 times.
Last but not least, as an advice for women - jangan pandang remeh dengan keputihan, kegatalan, lendiran dan sebagainya. "Mencegah Lebih Baik Dari Merawat". Try our FC Bio Pantiliner first to overcome this matter. Insyaallah it will works between range 2-3 months . RM10 for 20 pieces, I think that is quite worth.